Saturday, March 26, 2011

Electric Van Fueling Stations

You might have noticed over the past few weeks we have written a green spin on many of our articles. This has been as we now see this as a real surge in the automotive industry. Whilst the technology and makes of vehicle are still quite new the technology is improving very fast. 

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From looking in to the issue in more depth in recent times we have found that one of the main barriers for motorists see is the problem of charging/re-fueling the vehicle. Initially we saw a surge in conversions to gas powered cars. However only a few forecourts had the right pump to fill up. Also the cost of converting a fuel based car to gas was quite steep 

We are very happy to announce that Elektromotive has installed the UK's first three phase charging station. This new type of charging station is catered towards re-furling light commercial vehicles. 

This is great news for the commercial industry who might be looking for a cheaper and greener alternative to oil powered vehicles. The theory behind a business changing to green fuel might have many reasons. Not only the fact that oil prices conitnue to rise by the day increasing variable costs. The new station has been introduced into a depot in Camden. What is even more excellent is that the station sources most of its energy from solar power. Therefore charging is completely free to users. 

The charging station delivers an awesome 400 volt output making it excellent for light commercial vehicles carrying a load. The installation has been brought about after the Camden council is trying to be the first council in the country to run its own fleet completely powered by renewable energy. Thinking about this as a statement, its actually quite huge. It shows that if the will is there and the infrastructure supports the demand a company could operate with no fuel costs and no harmful emissions. 

This is even bigger news for the country as a whole. It is thought that one of the main contributors to the UK's carbon footprint comes from commercial vehicles. It also very to see how this is the case, taking a trip down any motorway gives a clear sense that there are a huge amount of commercial vehicles on the roads. 

It is thought that if the first unit is successful Elektromotive will roll the unit out to further sites across London. Their managing director made it clear that if there is demand they will supply the charging points. This is great news for UK business trying to control their fuel costs. Whilst this initiative is in London currently if the Camden Council can reduce their fuel bill to nothing then the other councils will not be far behind them. 

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This also shows a huge commitment from the city of London. It seems they are trying to become a completely carbon neutral city. Especially where it comes to vehicle emissions. They started there battle some years ago introducing the toll zones with the aim to reduce congestion. This is just the next step in the process and we cant wait to see the next.

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