Saturday, March 26, 2011

Tips For Making Sure Your Helmet Fits Perfectly

Are you looking to buy a new helmet that you can wear when riding your motorcycle and want to make sure you get one the fits perfectly? Here are a few tips to help you get the right size helmet.

Buying a helmet that fits properly is  a very important process that every rider has to go through, especially if there is a helmet law in place within their state. The type of helmet that is purchased depends on the rider, but one thing that should be a factor regardless of the helmet type is safety. Ensuring that your helmet fits properly is one way of helping to increase the level of safety that it can provide you.

Size Measurement

The most important tip that you can follow to ensure that you get the right fitting helmet is to make sure you take an accurate size measurement of your head. This measurement should be taken just above the eyebrow. You'll want to measure completely around the head which will give you the proper size according to charts. You may have to pad that number a little, depending on the retailer specifications.


Another factor that you can keep in mind when trying to find the perfect fitting helmet is the padding that is found within the helmet. You'll want to get one that has plenty of padding, but also has a thick enough foam liner within it. This will give you enough cushion in the event of a crash, and will also help make sure the helmet fits well on your head.

Chin Strap

The chin strap is also a critical component that will help make sure that your helmet fits properly. The chin strap should always be fastened snugly in order to keep the helmet secured to your head. This is especially important when you are traveling at high speeds. Many helmets come with quick release clips which make fastening the chin strap a breeze especially when compared to the older style D rings that they used and still are made with.

Helmet Accessories

There are other accessories that you can use to help provide a snug and secure fit when wearing your helmet. You can wear bandannas or other cloth beanie hat type items to provide a little extra padding as well as snugness.

These simple tips will help keep your helmet fitting properly and comfortably. Remember, safety is the most important aspect of riding a motorcycle, and having a properly fitting helmet is one way of ensuring that safety.

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